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Monday, December 21, 2009
Lay down the tools and pick up a book.
Prepare a great meal if you like to cook.

'Tis the season to relax and enjoy.
Help a child assemble a new toy.

A time for reflection. A time for good cheer.
As we embrace the dawn of a brand new year..

What will it hold? How will it unfold?
United as one, we will shape the new mould.

May you spend good times with the ones you love.
May you be in a place of contentment and cheer.
These are the things I wish for you.

Seasons Greetings and Happy New Year!

Sunday, November 29, 2009

She has been disturbed, disregarded and disrespected.
She has been maligned, exploited, blown-up and poisoned.
Is it any wonder that she is showing signs of displeasure?
Like a dog emerging from a stream, she is starting to shake-off drops of water to cleanse herself. On her scale this is showing as intense flooding in many regions of her domain.
She is Gaia and she is our home.
It takes a lot to rile her but the signs are there.
Now is the time to give back some of the support she has shown to us for eons. She supports all life so that we can experience and evolve but there is a limit to her endurance. We have fouled the nest for too long.
It is time to show her the respect and kindness she deserves.
She is Gaia and she is our home.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

When I asked my guides if they had any predictions to share for the coming times ahead, I did not really expect to receive information for two reasons. Given the current times, I would think the news would not be great and they have never sent me down the road of ‘doom & gloom’ or offered any type of negativity. To be vested in dire predictions will only help to manifest them.

Also, with the understanding of universal law principles, I realize we create as we go along, making predictions difficult. Imagine my surprise, while standing in the kitchen mixing batter for waffles, I received some information urging me to put pen to paper. The focus began with the ancient principles of Universal Law. Lunch would have to wait...

As we find ourselves in times of upheaval, understanding how we can work with energies can help to keep us centered.

Why is this important?

We all share the same one power; the unified field energy keeping us in physicality. Holding the energy in a positive, calming way will influence not only our own field but the entire consciousness, as well. This is how each of us can make a difference.

As turbulent times increase we need to remember the Law of Free Will, a law being challenged severely for many. As democratic freedom is eroded we have the ability to call upon these ancient principles to empower us by getting in touch with personal freedoms. Let us demand, unequivocally of our guides, the right to retain this personal freedom. This will allow them to step-in on our behalf. I have been asked to shout it from a mountain top, if need be, to ensure the message is heard. While this procedure may seem a little extreme, it was given to get the point across to be concise in order to engage their participation. This step is necessary due to the other aspect of free will needed to allow guides to act on our behalf. They cannot do so unilaterally as these spiritual laws exist in their realm as well.

As the effects of the Piscean Age diminish and the new energies of Aquarian Times increase, the winds of change will blow strongly upon the land. Systems will need to fall in order to be superseded by new ways. While some will continue to act out feeling the pressure, some will cling to the status quo fearing the changes, many will awaken to welcome the new dawn. Holding on to old ways is resistance and what we resist will persist.

As the earth adjusts, we here at this time, are along for the ride. I feel the current drama is far from over. However, there are things we can do to help stabilize our world; the first of which is to realize that it is all drama, all part of the play.

I was encouraged to spend some time each day within the one power. My guides said to bring the pure, white light into the crown chakra, running through the body then anchoring it into the ground. The purpose of this is for healing and calming the body while additionally aiding mother earth, as she gets to benefit from the anchored energy.

The guides also cautioned about seeing things only as black & white. They emphasized the existence of gray areas a couple of times. I suspect part of this message was intended to make us aware of slanted news reporting that keeps people in fear and out of balance. The danger here is that we then set-up these very conditions to return to us over and over again. Perception is very important. Can we see the gift or are we more interested in ripping open the package?

Yes, the road is rocky and may become more so but the focus given to me was on tools of self-empowerment, things we can do to calm the tides of turbulence. This places the emphasis on positive solutions rather than buying into the sky- is- falling scenarios. This is what I have come to expect from my guides.

Do I think we are in for a rough ride?


Do I plan to worry and fret?

Definitely not.

We are all creators and as such need to realize our part in the evolution of what happens next. We can choose to buy into the fear based reporting or we can see it for what it really is –illusion. As we buy into the illusion it then becomes created; it comes to life creating a momentum, as many take it on. This is how things are manifested. When enough of us agree to run with a concept, we create the reality.

The script has been written but the ending of the play is still undecided waiting for our input. What will it look like? I would like to see us hold the positive thoughts of peace and love in order to calm the turmoil. When our thoughts meet with opposite vibration, they will cancel each other out. This is a term in quantum physics known as interference. In this way we dispel negativity but must keep sending the positive as it is cancelled as well when two opposing forces meet. As more negativity is erased, the positive vibes will prevail.

As creators, let us create a new world consciousness, a world where all will prosper and be at peace, living in harmony with our beloved Gaia.

Saturday, August 1, 2009
It was in the mid nineties at the University of Victoria, B.C. we first heard David Icke speak his truth. My husband and I plus two friends were among only a hand-full of people in this large auditorium.David was just beginning to share his message with the world and we all had just read his first book. A football (soccer) player and then media correspondent in Britain, he made it a challenge to inform people about how the world was really being run and a challenge it certainly became.
Much maligned and labeled a "nutter" by the press, he never the less preserved. I can only imagine what it must have felt like to have your entire family ridiculed and jeered at wherever you went.As he gathered greater numbers in his audiences, attempts were made to stop him from speaking.The owners of buildings where he was to appear were pressured to cancel his engagements.It is no longer acceptable to nail people to the cross, behead them or burn them at the stake and yet attempts are still made to ‘kill the messenger’ when we don’t like what he/she is saying.We just defame and embarrass them instead.
David was once held at Immigration for four hours while trying to enter Canada. His audience in Toronto was given the news with offers of money back but most stayed to hear his message, a message of self-empowerment. His website was constantly shut down.Did any of this deter the man? No! He stuck by his principles in order to speak his truth with passion.Then he was accused of being anti-Semitic and even that did not deter him. Anyone familiar with his work knows of the vast research involved to carry out his mission. Also, David has an uncanny grasp of the big picture, a picture that far exceeds the confines of any one religion or nationality. He fully understands and sees through the illusion.
In February 2009 at the Conscious Life Expo in L.A., my daughter, Andrea, and I heard him speak once again.This time, lines of people waited long before the event and I am happy to say the auditorium was packed to capacity as is now the case every time he speaks. He draws large crowds because the audiences know on a conscious level when they are hearing truth. I salute you David Icke for having the courage and commitment to continue your work in order to educate the public while enduring many hardships along the way. I can hear the applause from the spirit realm as you keep treading firmly upon your soul’s path.
Well done!
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Compiling information for the Law of Transition show-cased in my first book, Hidden Laws: Ultimate Tools for Divine Co-creation, I started thinking about ownership of the planet.

As the concept of reincarnation and the cycle of life became clearer to me, I began to realize that any possession is fleeting and short term. My cousin recently sent me a photo of the street in my home town and the house I was born in. My family had lived on this property for about 100 years. It now has new owners. Then I thought about the homes my parents had. All are now occupied by people unrelated to me. History shows many wars have been fought over ownership of land. The entire planet has been compartmentalized with lines delineating countries, counties and cities. Yet the fact remains, we are only in physical body for a short time and then return as another player on this stage called Earth. So, did we really own our plot each time?

No. We are merely tenants for a short time. Then it gets passed on to family, friends or new buyers to live there while they are here. Donald Trump may disagree but no one owns this planet. We get to visit as we work through karma in order to attain soul growth. The planet facilitates this process as best it can. We don’t own any part of this planet any more than we own Saturn, Jupiter or Mars. The constant need for separation, alienation and territorial wars is part and parcel of our soul evolution. We get to work through drama agreed upon before hand in order to experience life, all the while knowing that nothing real can be harmed. Just players on this stage, we get to use the earth as a venue to practice the current role for a little while. Then the costume is discarded and we go back home to evaluate our performance while new players arrive.

Thank you Gaia for your patience and participation in this process.
I will tread lightly.

Große Mühlenstraße, Nortof, Germany

Sunday, July 5, 2009
I recently joined my husband, Peter, for one week of sailing in the middle of his four week sailing trip up the east coast of Vancouver Island.  Here are some of my thoughts on this trip:

I have always been very aware of words and names and the energy behind them.  So, what is it one would be likely to expect sailing to a place called Desolation Sound?  Certainly not the raw, pristine beauty of this uninhabited and unspoiled wilderness. 

Comprised of many islands of various sizes, the sound, most of it a marine park, is located east of Campbell River B.C.  It offers many coves, inlets, harbours and lakes for the boating public. A popular place with tourists, abundant with wildlife and clean waters, this is a peaceful haven away from the demands of daily life.  So, why the name?  
I can only speculate that Captain Vancouver who named much of this area was once again disappointed at not finding the elusive north/west passage he was seeking in order to establish a trade route. Desolation was most likely a state of mind at the time rather than a reference to the physical attributes of this awesome area.  

Some of the places we visited seemed to suggest a hidden story. Places such as Doctor Bay, Calm Channel, Discovery Passage, Hope Point and Refuge Cove.  

After a week of sailing in this sound here is what I found:
Unspoiled nature
Raw beautiful wilderness
Uninhabited islands
Abundant wildlife
But certainly no Desolation!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

As we get closer to December 21, 2012 I begin to think about how this will play out.  The Mayan calendar is once again getting attention and with good reason.  They were able to accurately predict major events that occurred hundreds of years later.

What will happen on this day? A massive pole shift or a non event?  No one knows for sure. I believe the script is still in the process of being written and we are the ones writing it.  This is why the Hopi saying "We are the ones we have been waiting for" is so right for this time.

Monday, May 25, 2009

So back to the lady on the plane...

Do I think she will get ill?
Why is that?
To me there are three reasons:
  1. The low vibration of fear will align with and draw to the low vibration of viruses.
  2. She will manifest what she constantly dwells on; a match via the Law of Attraction
  3. The Mind / Body connection.  The body takes direction from the mind.
This lady was so invested in the concept of illness that she will likely bring it on via any one or all three methods.
It is important to focus on what we want, not what we don't want.
In order to stay healthy, the focus must be on health.
Saturday, May 23, 2009

Food has always been important to me but never more so than when I went through a healing crisis.  Diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis, I knew changes needed to be made.  I now support the organic community choosing to work with only the best ingredients.  I fully attribute the change in diet, lifestyle as well as clean eating and use of supplements to my full recovery.

The following recipe is not only wholesome but also full of good nutrition.  A taste explosion!  The sauces can be made ahead of time which allows the flavors to marry...

Kudos to Fresh Restaurants in Toronto for creating amazing recipe from their cookbook ReFresh.  Enjoy!

Green Goddess Rice Bowl
Serves 4
1 head broccoli, cut into florets
1 head bok choy, torn
1 bunch green kale, torn
1 bunch swiss chard, torn
6 cups cooked brown basmati
1 batch Tahini Sauce (see below)
2 sheets nori, torn
1/3 cup sunflower seeds, toasted
1 batch Simple Sauce (see below)
1/2 cup white pickled ginger

1. Steam broccoli and greens until they are tender and bright green.
2. Out 1 1/2 cups cooked brown basmati rice in a large rice bowl.  Drizzle 2 tablespoons of Tahini Sauce on the rice.  Place nori pieces on rice.
3. Arrange the steamed greens and broccoli on the brown rice around the bowl.  Sprinkle toasted sunflower seeds on top.  Drizzle 2 tablespoons of Simple Sauce on the vegetables and rice.
4. Garnish with a small mound of pickled ginger on top.  Repeat for each serving.

Tahini Sauce
Makes 4 servings
2 cloves garlic, minced
1/2 cup chopped parsley
1/2 tsp sea salt
2 tbsp lemon juice
2/3 cup filtered water
1/2 cup sesame butter (tahini)

Whiz garlic, parsley, salt and lemon juice in a blender or food processor.  Add the water and sesame butter.  Run until smooth, scraping the sides down once or twice.

Simple Sauce
Makes 4 servings
1/2 cup tamari
3 tbsp sesame oil
1 1/2 inch ginger root, peeled and minced
4 tbsp lemon juice

Put all ingredients in a saucepan.  Bring to a boil and let simmer for 10 minutes.  Remove from heat and let cool.

(It didn't last long at my daughter and son-in-law's house!)
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Welcome to my blog!

My intent is to share with you everyday workings of Universal Law principles as they apply to us all.

I have been getting the message lately to speak my truth more often.  What held me back was the understanding of the Law of Free Will.  I did not want to intrude.  However, opportunities seem to present themselves constantly to offer cosmic law teachings.  Many times I have kept quiet, but no more!  Here is one example...

En route to Tulsa, Oklahoma for Mother's Day, the first flight I took was from Victoria, BC to Seattle.  I found myself sitting next to a woman who was putting on a flu mask.

"Better safe than sorry", she said to me.

"I cannot get sick.  I am on my way to visit mother in a nursing home in North Dakota.  I cannot get sick!"

She continued to mumble "Better safe than sorry" a few more times as I bit my tongue.

But wait, I am supposed to speak my truth, right?

Some kids that were sitting across the aisle suddenly caught her attention.

"THEY are the ones who will make me sick!"  She pointed accusingly at them.

Ok.  Enough.

What finally got me to speak up was that she was now directing a tangible flow of negativity at kids.  So I offered her the following pieces of advise:

"Don't give illness so much of your energy and attention if you want to remain healthy."
She looked at me.  Then looked away.  She glanced at me once more and I wondered if the message was sinking in.  Then all was quiet.  The mumbles of fear had finally stopped.

"I can't get sick" she said once more.

I then told her to only focus on health and not to give the idea of illness any more energy.  How does this work?  Everything is vibration, including words.  We create that which we dwell upon.  Fear, a mighty draw of negativity, will manifest as we align with it.

Something to be aware of as the media tries to get us to focus on the great illusion of a pandemic.
Friday, May 1, 2009

Hidden Laws: Ultimate Tools for Divine Co-creation
by Ulla Jacobs

Hidden Laws offers spiritual principles for self-empowerment as old as time. In ancient times, mystery schools offered this knowledge to only a few.

The Hidden Laws are:
The Law of Vibration (Law of One)
The Law of Cause & Effect
The Law of Attraction
The Law of Free Will
The Law of Creation
The Law of Transition (About Death)

I invite you to examine the principles offered by Hidden Laws in order to understand their powerful impact. These are the Laws of the Universe that govern all of life.

Use them for self-empowerment!


To purchase "Hidden Laws", please visit
Ulla Jacobs is the author of Hidden Laws: Ultimate Tools for Divine Co-creation, a book that details the Universal Laws, what they are, and how they work.

A health crisis resulting in a nine year illness was the catalyst that started Ulla’s research into various healing modalities, thus taking back control of her own health.

Hidden Laws is the result of over 35 years of research.

Ulla evaluated various remedies including herbs, supplements and many alternative healing modalities such as yoga, reiki, pranic healing, ayurveda, meditation, traditional chinese medicine and iridology.

Changing to a healthy diet helped to lessen and then alleviate symptoms. However, it was discovering the mind-body connection that finally led to, after nine years of illness, being able to overcome the symptoms of ulcerative colitis. When she discovered Universal Law, Ulla realized that she had found the key to self-empowerment.

Awareness and understanding of nature’s laws allow for pro-active involvement in day-to-day interactions with others. This knowledge provides a basis for the need to dispel negativity and fear, in order to keep from drawing more of the same. Ulla believes that these are the principles Jesus came to teach over 2000 years ago.